About Us

Mental Health Problems can affect anyone, rich or poor, young or old, seriously impacting the lives of those affected and the lives of people close to them.

One in four of us will experience a mental health problem at some point in our lives. Only 25% of people experiencing a problem are known to services. The other 75% are not known and do not engage with services or seek help due to the stigma and discrimination surrounding mental health in the wider community.


Our main aim is to normalise mental health problems and to create a community whereby people feel they can talk openly about their mental health problem without fear of rejection or discrimination.

We deliver all our services in everyday mainstream settings such as art centres.

Working with Young People

We work with children and young people across Anglesey and Gwynedd in the local community as well as within schools and colleges by supporting student services to provide:

  • Time to Talk (a confidential one-to-one service)
  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) based courses such as Anxiety Management,
  • Peer Support Groups
  • Anti-Stigma Workshops
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid.

Amser I Siarad/ Time to Talk

Is a confidential 1-1 service that is offered to people in everyday non stigmatised venues.

It is an opportunity for you to talk about anything that is concerning you, get support and information, and provide you with the skills to self-manage.